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First course:


Capunsel di Solferino (Breaded gnocchi)


Put the breadcrumbs and grated Grana Padano cheese in a mixing bowl.   Add the amaretti, crushed garlic, salt, pepper, spices and some boiling stock.  Blend well until a firm mixture is obtained, which should not be too moist.   Add the eggs and mix well.  Make some small elongated gnocchi 5/6 cm long and boil them briefly in hot stock.  The capunsei are cooked when they rise to the surface.  Remove them with a slotted spoon and serve them piping hot, in an ovenproof dish, dressed with melted butter, sage and Grana Padano cheese.


breadcrumbs from bread made in the Solferino area 
Grana Padano cheese
amaretti biscuits, crushed
1 clove of garlic
salt, pepper, spices
stock made with mixed meat and vegetables


Wine pairing: Garda Colli Mantovani DOC Chiaretto made from a blend of Merlot, Cabernet, San Giovese and Rondinella vinified as a rosé


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